
Overwhelmed? Lonely? Spread thin? Exhausted? Drained? Overfucntioning? Performing?

Well a lot of people, especially a lot of leader's, are. That's how I've been. I've felt alone, unseen, and like I have to fake my way through life. Have you felt that way?

Whether through grief, challenges, or times of wiating. I desired a place where I can let down and let go, I don't have to be the person I'm known as, I can receive without strings attached or expectations. So this is for you, this is for us, however it serves you! Come and go. No expectation. No judgement. No pressure. Together, we can sit at Yahweh's feet, slowing down to be with Him, wait on Him, and know that He is God.

So join! This ain't a Bible study, a prayer meeting, a lecture. This is, a space to be together, to be "DEEP Silence".

  • Drained     -> Dependent
  • Exhausted -> Expectant
  • Effort.         -> Embraced
  • Performing -> Peace

What It's Like

  1. Join the zoom link:
  2. Brief prayer opening prayer.
  3. 9.5 minutes of silence (There will be a verse on the shared screen. You can also connect with God through other verses or imaginations. Our verse is a guide.)
  4. Closing prayer.
  5. Depart in peace

Things to Know:

  • Make sure you join muted
  • Try and be somewhere quiet, but if not we'd rather you join
  • If silence is too much for you, please message public or privately and we will have someone available to talk with you
  • Join slightly before the start time as it will be EXACTLY 10 minutes.
  • Come and go as you need to
  • This space is for YOU to connect with God

Paid 10 Minutes Breaks Are Legal

"Federal law does not require lunch or coffee breaks. However, when employers do offer short breaks (usually lasting about 5 to 20 minutes), federal law considers the breaks as compensable work hours that would be included in the sum of hours worked during the workweek and considered in determining if overtime was worked. Unauthorized extensions of authorized work breaks need not be counted as hours worked when the employer has expressly and unambiguously communicated to the employee that the authorized break may only last for a specific length of time, that any extension of the break is contrary to the employer's rules, and any extension of the break will be punished." - 

"Rest periods of short duration, usually 20 minutes or less, are common in industry (and promote the efficiency of the employee) and are customarily paid for as working time. These short periods must be counted as hours worked." - 
